We offer solar powered water pumps that are used to pump out water from a water source such as a well, a lake, or a river into the fields. Farmers who do not have access to natural water source usually use water tanks to pump water from. Usually, the water sources are almost always in open and the winds or other animals bring along several amount of dust and pebbles to these sources. To extract water from the water sources, a suction tube is used. This tube passes the water to the field through the pump. If there is any hard substance like a pebble in the tube, the pebble can damage the pump. Our solar pumps remain unaffected even when they are operated in absence of water. In any case, the pebble will hit the engine repeatedly and will break it. Though total damage is a rare case because our pumps are made strong and also our consumers are trained to use them with care. Therefore, as a preventive measure, we recommend having a filter on the suction tube to avoid any unwanted situation.
We provide this filter with our products and a customer need not by it separately. However, we also sell filter separately if needed by someone who does not use our pumps. Our experts also provide training to the workers on the field to use the pumps and irrigation systems so as to prolong the lifetime of the equipment.

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